Thanks for your lovely comments, I think I'm feeling better, though I shouldnt really be on here again, as it doesnt help my head! I thought I would shame myself by showing my work room and the mess I get in. This recent mess was made in one afternoon and even now persists. I've recently realised that I'm a bi-polar housewife/gardener/creative, its all or nothing, no offence meant to those who are bi-polar, I do wonder some times if I am!
I think a home and garden say a lot about the person, I know mine do! I need Mary Poppins again!
My husband asked me why the garden was in such a mess, I told him its a wildlife garden. Thats my excuse and I'm sticking with it!
Lol it looks like my house when I have a project on the go, you're lucky to have a workroom though!
Your squash are doing brilliantly my seeds didn't even attempt to grow this year. Hope the heads better now.
I'm an all or nothing person too! I don't think your workroom looks that bad! Creativity is at work!
You should see my chaos!!
I'm back now... and have so much catching up to do in the blogging world!! ;-)
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