Tuesday 31 August 2010

'the van'

This is not the post I came to write.
No golden cornfields.
No billowing hydrangeas.
No blue shuttered windows.
Not one to blow my own trumpet,
but we do have a lovely van and it would be rude not to share.
It would seem that our van was quite the little star in Brittany this summer.
We do get attention, but not on the scale we received
'en France'.
Cest magnifique
The van is a she in our world 
and quite simply
'the van'
no silly names here..
So no photos of France then....

Friday 27 August 2010

quick fire friday

This is me right here, right now.
....the floral, not the stripey...
...yes those are my trousers!

Wishing you all a fabulous bank holiday weekend..
...with lots of summery sunshine!!

Thursday 19 August 2010

holding on to summer

Hello again.
Summer seems to be on the fade again...
...thought I'd better give my garden some respect...
especially as I seemed to have skipped so much this year.

Saturday 14 August 2010

hello uncle tom cobley and all!
I am still here 
and enjoying the anonymity

I have had a fairly full summer so far
with lots to share....

.....but not yet!!!!.