Monday 14 June 2010

pain stops play

After many months  days of over use be it patchworking, gardening, cycling to the allotment and
er-hum crocheting,
my hands have gone on strike!
Yet still they won't leave that hook alone.
So I'm going cold turkey on the crochet front....
one whole day and counting...
I hope its just a rep strain.
hey ho
here's more from my side kick aka the garden.
I have recently visited an ngs garden in my area, which was small yet beautiful.
My ultimate goal would be to get accepted and open my garden for charity.
I know I have a long way to go, as you can see from the exposed areas,
hopefully in a year or so, when the shrubs and climbers have matured I will give it a go.
Here is my new arch which was last years birthday present,
looking through to the arbour which was the previous years present.
I do have a clematis climbing up the left hand side of the arch, 
hopefully there will be lots of lovely white bells in a month or so..
 Lots of new blooms this week, 
I can hardly keep up with the staking and tying in.
pictured above this white sweet william is really sweet!!
lovely frothy nigella
super cute wool carder bee 
an uncommon solitary bee which
I haven't noticed before so I had to look it up,
after panicking that I had killer bees in the garden!
And last but not least the lovely peony
(apparently a cutting form my great grandmothers garden)
They are breath-takingly beautiful in every way.
With its flower shop fragrance and silky soft petals,
it's almost up there with roses, if only it repeat flowered!
just like
 the opening titles of
my fair my garden!!


Anonymous said...

Your garden really is looking lovely! :)
Hope the hands are better soon, how awful not being able to crochet!

Ellouise88 said...

I do sympathise. I get Carpal Tunnel Syndrome which sometimes stops me from hand sewing but I find a little bit of crochet or knitting every day keeps my fingers moving. (That's my excuse!)

Oh what a lovely garden. Gorgeous peony. And so tidy! I think it's a marvellous idea opening your garden. With the smaller gardens, sometimes people club together and open several in a road/village at the same time. Would love to think mine was good enough for that but too many weeds at the moment! Keep up the good work.

Gilly Tee said...

Hi Clare.
you have a lovely garden. I have never seen white Sweet Williams before, they are pretty. I agree with you about peonys they are one of my favourites.

Serenata said...

Beautiful garden. Would love to take a walk around it and have a sit and relax.

Alijane said...

Hi Clare,

Your garden looks fab, ours is looking great this year too, makes my heart skip when I look around it.

I am also suffering RSI from over hooking, the trouble is I just can't stop its my new found passion and I love love love it.

Hope your hooking again soon.


Lisa said...

Oh goodness Clare. I hope your hands are ok and let you get back to making your lovelies soon.
What a great ambition to be able to open your garden for charity. I'll pop over, especially if you lay on cream teas!
Lisa x

Diane said...

I had a swarm of bees in my garden the other day - very scarey!!! Your garden does indeed look really lovely, and when you open it, I shall organise myself a weekend in your neck of the woods for a priority visit!! Be careful with the hands - my arm still aches after all my knittting crochet and gardening. xxxx

Lyn said...

Beautiful garden1 those peonies are so frilly and blousy!
Hope the hands get better sonn.

Bobo Bun said...

I can't believe how tidy your garden is - such work you've put in. Thanks for your advice about gardening. Oh and I didn't realise it was early for sweet peas.

Lisa x

noelle said...

Beautiful Clare! Look after your hands! x x

Christy said...

Oh, your garden is so lovely! I really enjoyed these photos. So sorry to hear that your hands are causing you problems. Sending get well thoughts your way.

Annette - MyRoseValley said...

Hi Clare,

Thank you for joining my blog. I just popped in a quicky to see who my newest follower was. What a beautiful garden!!! I got teh house full of kids and not so much time on my hands but I will be back very soon to visit again.

I see you have suffered from pain too. What kind of pain? I am at the moment going cold turkey staying away from crochet and surfing (not so good at that) because of pain similar to a tennis elbow. It makes me depressed as crochet is like yoga for my brain and soul and something I have done every single day the last year... It is like a withdrawal for an addict... I snap and snip and cry and fight. How are your hands now? I am hoping they are much better by now. :D All the best and ciao for now.