Where do I begin with this post?
Of late I've been very good with my purchases for the house/garden
only buying things I (mainly) need.
However plants continue to grow folks,
which invariably means that they don't get on as well with each other; as they did when I lovingly planted them.
which invariably means that they don't get on as well with each other; as they did when I lovingly planted them.
Today I took a trip to a little but lovely Victorian inspired garden in Romsey.
(thanks Lisa for reminding me that Romsey still exists!!).
Its attached to a lovely tearoom.
Its possibly a little over this year, but still has a lovely restful quality, which is what I want!
(thanks Lisa for reminding me that Romsey still exists!!).
Its attached to a lovely tearoom.
Its possibly a little over this year, but still has a lovely restful quality, which is what I want!
On returning home to my own garden I can see things that need sorting out.
Which will have to wait until next year now!!
This is my new arch which I hope to grow roses or clematis over.
I do love aspects of my garden, and can see how pretty it will be eventually!
Creating a garden is hard!!
(I know I'm lucky to have a garden)
Calling all charity shops please dont change,
I'm talking here about the new products they buy in to sell.
I also would never touch something over a fiver either,
unless its much wanted, these are not antique shops!
(I can say this having worked in help the aged for 3 years).
When I'm charity shopping I am on the hunt,
If I don't find anything I'm dismayed.
I found today's gem in the last shop for 1.50
(not worth any more)
Boy has it seen some history!!
I thought on first inspection it was a faked new plate, you know the sort.
That tea room garden is very pretty indeed.
Did you get to Kit and Caboodle?
I agree that a lot of those charity shops were very expensive.
As for cupcake displayage, I am in lvoe with that idea!
Lisa x
I have to agree with you regarding charity shops selling brand new goods (unless they are eco friendly or fairtrade products which I don't mind so much) as it is often complete crap!
I also hate it when they charge crazy prices for things as they are often still getting more than they would at say, a car boot sale so I think they have to find the right balance.
I do like the 2nd hand designer charity shops and would quite happily pay more for something that originally cost £300 but I think that that charities need to locate these shops carefully for them to do well. x
I remember Romsey as being a lovely place.( I like Stockbridge too! )
Your pics are gorgeous..and your garden is lovely!!
I agree, charity shops are fun places to look and find treasures, they should not be expensive.
PS love your bargain plate!
Hey, if i knew you were coming i'd have baked cake!
I got a lovely Romsey cs bargain this will , will blog it today, i had a very rare child free hour so i dashed in to just a couple of shops then dashed out!
I havnt been to that tea room before as with two kids in tow its easier to go to the park with a saussage roll from reeves, but i know where it is so will do now considering how lush the garden looks, is it king john's house tea rm/?
I havnt found romsey cs's too bad, i think alot of them now have cottoned on to people like us, o crocheted blankets can range from a pound to eight pounds! Crazy.
Your garden is so lovely, i have a million jobs to finish in ours, might have to get my dad round!
Kirsty x
I haven’t been there this year, it is lovely though! I’m not that happy with my garden this year, I need to change things for next year.
I’m glad it’s not just me, I thought the charity shops in shops in Romsey were expensive.
Enjoy the rest of the week…love Lou xxx
Your garden looks wonderful. . . I know what you mean about charity shops . . . . I saw a cake stand yesterday and when I picked it up it said £6.50!!??
Love Helen x
I love Romsey, but somehow the last 10 years have been so child-orientated that neither tea shops nor charity shops have been on my 'to do' list when visiting! I shall have to rectify that one day.
My mum has always said that well-off, classy towns have good stuff in their charity shops, but over-price them. A highstreet CS in a larger town may be less interesting but will be better value! What do you think?
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