Thursday 16 October 2008

fading grace

Though the skies are blue as I type this post there is no doubt that autumn is here. The garden takes on a fading charm and feels entirely different. It is this time of year when we must resist the urge to tidy our wild and woolly looking gardens as not only do the seeds head add beauty to the frosty winter garden but they also provide food for birds. Above is the seed head of the scabious flower which has bloomed all summer and has got quite out of hand, how glad I was that I didn't chop it down, for it attracted goldfinches for the first time. Now I really want a new camera with a twitchy zoom!

If you look hard enough you might see the goldfinch hanging around right in the middle of the picture.

The Autumn vegetable garden

There is still some activity in the veg patch. Here are my pride and joy, 5 butternut squashes, hopefully ripening to be stored for winter soup.

The leeks are still growing, lets hope the bug attack didn't render them inedible.

The carrots are also still growing which isn't always a great thing as they can end up woody or get eaten by somebody else!

A few weeks back I had to pick all my tomatoes due to threatening blight, so they tended to ripen all at once. So I made some soup, which was a little tarte if you know what I mean, I think as the tomatoes didn't ripen on the vine they were less sweet which showed in the soup. Not bad for my first tomato soup, though not as good as my Dads!

ps. excuse the half eaten soup, I forgot to take a photo so had to rush back indoors!!
Crazy this blogging!

pps. Call me crazy but I have a new blog
this gardens life
which I will start January 1st 2009.
I will be posting a photo every day, you guessed it, of the garden! The countdown begins!


Ragged Roses said...

What beautiful photos, I love walking round the garden in Autumn, it seems to be much more relaxing! Your tomato soup looks very yummy
PS Glad you like the name Cicely, it is my eldest daughter's!!!

Heart in the country said...

Lovely pictures of your garden Clare, too few people think of the birds when tidying.

I look forward to your garden blog..will this include your veg patch?


Country Bliss said...

It has definately changed in the last few days, all the leaves are suddenly falling from the trees. We were at Eden on Sunday and it was still like summer there then. Your leeks and squash are looking healthy and the soup looks yummy.
Yvonne x

Simone said...

I love Butternut Squash! I am looking forward to your new blog and seeing the changes in your garden over the course of a year.

Sal said...

Lovely photos. Good luck with your new blog!!;-)