At last my sweet peas have bloomed and I have fallen in love with them again! I'm growing a different one every year. These are 'fragrant skies', last years were beaujolais which I've also grown this year as there were so many seeds. The year before I grew white ones. Maybe pink next year?

Its all so easy to get over critical in the garden, so its time to relax and enjoy!! Whilst gazing I've planned out lots of projects for next spring, I must be careful not to wish this summer away.
One area which needs attention is the dumping ground for everything, at the moment I'm growing courgettes/squashes on the heap, although I'm not sure which is which?? They could be both the same as I was lazy with my labeling!

One last pic of my arbour in the evening sun. I have stained it at last, its pale blue/grey colour.
I love the way the light catches the seed heads of the sweetcorn too...
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