Thursday 17 March 2011

let the games begin!

 remember a while back
I mentioned about floor stripping?
Well the day is here!
Not by me of course.
I shall be stuffed in my hole with my machine.
(which by the way, 
my love for her is growing).

Dont forget to enter my giveaway
I want all my readers to have the chance to win!


gillyflower said...

Oh how exciting!!
The floor will be lovely when finished!
Have a great day sewing!
Gill x

Lisa said...

Have you got the ear plugs ready?
Shame you weren't having done on Saturday and then you'd miss it!
Lisa x

Mosel said...

Far better to be tucked away with your machine and emerge once the coast is clear, and the sripping complete.

monda-loves said...

wow, that will look lovely when it is stripped. I'd love to live in a house with floorboards - we've got poured concrete throughout here :o(

Diane said...

I'm sat waiting for the "after" photos. xxxxx

greenrabbitdesigns said...

Oh no Clare, not more men in the house!!
Just keep sewing until it's all finished and keep thinking how lovely your floorboards are going to be! :)
Vivienne x

ahomespunyear said...

You're going to have loads of dust, but it will be worth it!

potterjotter said...

It'll be gorgeous when its done - be sure to post a picture for us. Lovely bay window too. Am now looking for your giveaway ...

Diane said...

I hope its all done. It was great to meet you on Saturday and I am determined we will do it again. You are so sweet Clare, and I thought you were 10 years younger than you actually are!!! Lots of love. xxxx