Monday 14 March 2011

the stash

 I'm back!
Thank you for all your sweet comments they really kept me going.
Unfortunately no stork arriving here.
I'm actually feeling fine.
It's the not knowing which is the hard bit.
Now I have spring and summer to look forward to,
and making some magic with this fabric instead.
What with all my 'taking it easy'
I've had plenty of time to tidy the stash and organise..
...and surf the online fabric stores!
I am as you know a keen recycler of old fabrics,
however this doesn't mean I'm immune to the wicked temptations out there!!
My latest purchase came from 
This is my second purchase from the super efficient Kate!
If you are looking for reasonable fat quarts and P&P
go take a look.

Camera update*
Apologies for the quality of today's snaps
they were taken with my husbands underwater camera
(hmm that could make an interesting post)
Our insurers are covering part of the cost
towards a new camera
I'm still kicking myself in the butt.
I hate breaking things that are in perfect working order
it's such a waste of resources!


Diane said...

Sorry to hear your news Claire - but glad you are OK. Fab stash - are you coming to meet me on Saturday? xxxx

Lisa said...

Sending you a huge hug and trying not to drool over those neat piles of fabric, not that I could make anything remotely gorgeous out of them, unlike you!
Much love
Lisa xx

WinnibriggsHouse said...

Sorry to hear your news but admire your upbeat attitude, you are an inspiration to us all...and a complete tease with all these fabulous fabrics!! I must not buy more...I must not buy more! Don't think this is working really !! I might just have to take a peek at that shop.

greenrabbitdesigns said...

Sorry things didn't work out for you this time Clare! X
I'm glad though you are in a postive frame of mind. Looking forward to seeing what you create with all that gorgeous fabric!!
Vivienne x

gillyflower said...

Hi Clare, the old baby business is a tricky thing isnt it - didnt work for me a second time, I ran out of time after a series of miscarriages, but am forever grateful that I have my daughter (now nearly 16).
Am loving those fabrics, drooling all over my keyboard!!!!
What a stash!
Enjoy your fabrics
Take care
Gill x

Simone said...

I'm glad you're back clare! You have a wonderful selection of fabric on show. I think your pictures are great even if they aren't done with yout usual camera. I hope you have a lovely week ahead. x

gillyflower said...

Hi Clare!
Thanks for visiting my blog and leaving a lovely comment! So sorry about your losses. Just keep hoping and praying.
I was already well into my 40s when trying for my second child and it never happened, but my friend of similar age had several losses and then hit the jackpot!
Everyones different and often these things just happen when you're least expecting it, so dont give up hope yet!!
Now I'm over 50 its all behind me and ive just accepted that these things are just meant to be.
Take care

potterjotter said...

Welcome back! Can't wait to see what you do with all that lot! Stay cheerful .. it'll happen! In the meantime lose yourself amongst those fabrics.

Lynne said...

I'm sorry to hear your news, but I'm glad that you sound so positive.
That fabric looks delicious. Just off to visit the shop now!

andamento said...

A very nice stash of fabrics indeed! Sorry to hear about the baby, or lack of, but glad to hear that you are looking forward so positively.
I've still some more hand piecing to do for my part of a (secret) quilt, I must say that I much prefer crochet to hand sewing - faster, less fiddly and it doesn't give me pins & needles!

{Love, Love, Love} said...

I am sorry to hear your news Clare. I really did hope that it was going to work for you but I know that were realistic too which is good. We have had some bad news here; the division of the company that both mysekf and my husband work for was bought out today. Whilst my job as a mere minion means that my job should be safe, my poor husband is much hugher up the food chain and now has to wait at least three weeks to find out whether or not he will have a job. My new made up mantra for the day is 'life is like a snail, just when things are starting to go well, someone comes along and stands on you'. We are going to go for it anyway as we will have a home whatever so are still reasonably secure. Look after yourself, me dear xx

two bones and a bagle said...

Sorry to hear your news but so glad you are back and in good spirits. What a stash. More patchwork? Just going to pop over to M for Make. Take care. Hugs Debs X

Vintage Tea Time said...

Sorry about your news, but glad that you're so positive about it. Gorgeous fabrics - make you want to dive in!!

Gilly Tee said...

I'm so sorry Clare I hope you can give it another go.
Your fabric stash is fantastic.

Anonymous said...

I'm sorry too to hear your news Clare. Your fabric pictures are drool worthy.

Ocean Breezes and Country Sneezes said...

Love all the information on quilting! Can't wait to see more. I'm your newest follower, please stop by when you have a moment!

Catherine said...

Hi Clare,
Sorry to hear your news, but really admire your attidtude.
I love your stash - just imagine all the lovely things you can make. I think thats the hardest part, looking at all the fabric and wondering what to do with it, without actually cutting in to it and using it!