Sunday, 18 January 2009

he's behind you!!

For the last 4 sundays I have been secretly painting a scene for our local amateur dramatics panto Jack and the beanstalk. I say secretly because I've never done anything like this before and wasnt to sure how it would turn out.
Its ok...I am very self critical, so its quite an unnerving experience to paint something everyone can see, especially if you think its pants!! I shall do better next time!!

I managed to squeeze in our late cat Sybil too.


Poppy said...

Wow Clare, if that is what you call pants, I would love to be pants at painting, if my work turns out looking like that.

Lou xxx

Mary Poppins said...

You are very talented, good enough for the RSC :)

I love it and its not pants


Country Bliss said...

What do you mean 'it's ok' it's brilliant and they're very lucky to have you painting their scenery.
Yvonne x

Sal said...

Oh Clare... you crafty thing!!
T'is brilliant ;-)

Simone said...

It's wonderful Clare! I especially like the addition of the kitty cat. Please show us more of your art work!

Lisa said...

Is there no end to your talents??
Your paintings are fab.
Hope the show goes well, are you in it?
Lisa x

Anonymous said...

My parents have been singing your praises... :) I think your scenary looks great!

MelMel said...

Hello.....Must give them a go...yippee...more freebies!

Have a great evening!xx

Ragged Roses said...

I think it's brilliant!!!!

JuliaB said...

That is BRILLIANT!!!!!!! x