Wednesday 1 February 2012

small wonders...

 ..or one day at a time.. 
 ..daydream believers..
All is calm all is bright.

There has been a shift in my sewing of late.
Just an hour or two a week.
I am seeing an osteopath.
(for pain not for drinks)
 Have you ever timed how long you sew?
Me neither.
Have you ever thought about the bad habits of sewing?
(and blogging)
Me neither.
No more lap topping for me, just table topping.
No more resting my head to one side whilst stitching.
And no more stitching marathons.
Sorry if it's a little melancholy
There is a dove pining for its dead mate in my garden,
as I am pining for my beloved patchwork...

So it's quality rather than quantity for now at least.

Have I told you lately that I love you?

Off to bury the feathered one.. second's too cold!


Susan said...

Oh I'm sorry the osteopath has curtailed your sewing! Your pretty aqua/jade squares are really sweet! Get better soon, we'll still be here!

Pomona said...

I do sympathize as I have been in much the same boat - having to give it all up made me realize how big a part of my life sewing and knitting had become. I am now at the point that I can do a little, but not every day - and like you say, no marathons!

Hope you recover enough to keep you sane!

Pomona x

Fiona @ Poppy Makes said...

I'm sorry to hear you are in so much pain and your sewing has been restricted :(
Those little aqua squares are just beautiful in that quilt top! Definitely quality, if not quantity

Mary said...

It sounds like you have a good plan to deal with the pain and keep doing what you love! That is a very good thing. Your Flowering Snowball is wonderful and you are amazing! Sorry about the dove...poor thing.

Simone said...

Poor little dove. I hope you feel better soon Clare. As I am typing this I am lazily slumped over the computer!!! x

andamento said...

You went for turquoise, an excellent choice.
I hope all your aches and pains get sorted soon. My posture is very bad, I know I should improve it before it starts to cause problems. In fact, I am now sitting up straight as I type, thank you. Still have my legs crossed though...

Yvonne Moxon said...

Hey Clare, pain sucks Im with you oln that, Im stil waiting on tests for pains in my arms and hands I hate that it slows my processes down.
Beautiful colours in your patchwork,take it easy let it heal x

koralee said...

Oh no..hope you can relieve some of that pain! Your quilt looks lovely...the blue shades are beautiful....hope your day is blessed! xoxo.

Diane said...

Poor little dove - you and the garden one. Rest that shoulder - Ive had one and they are no fun. xxx

Kris from Duke Says Sew What said...

I vote for the doc and the drinks! Love where this quilt Is going. Take care!

JoAnn SweetPepperRose said...

Sorry to hear of your pain and troubles, and that you have to Limit what you Love. I have pain as well. I hope no one takes a pic of me whilst I use my laptop. Or sit. Or stand. BAD posture. Yet while I TRY to be straight that seems to hurt too. Will pray for you that it gets better.

Claire Jain said...

So sad about the little dove. There's always something of life and death in the garden. The quilt is coming along so beautifully. I love the turquoise. I hope the pain goes away. I know how frustrating that is. Find the things you can do comfortably and enjoy them!

Fran said...

Yes, definitely made me sit up a lot straighter at the computer... Hope you feel better soon.

Lucy | Charm About You said...

Too cold to bury a dove... melancholy indeed.

Krista Schneider said...

aw, I'd just die if I had to put down my patchwork. Since starting up hand-piecing at the start of the year, I've sewed more than I have in a long while! It's much more condusive to my busy/fly by the seat of my pants/travelling lifestyle, hehe. and my couch potatoness, :D

I've had some sore hands, (like muschle tightness after exercising) but nothing serious yet. I hope you heal up and can find a way to create your quilty things without causing severe injury!!

Juliab said...

Oh dear, I know how you feel I saw a physio friend of mine last week who confirmed there was a problem with my shoulder and she wants to work on it for me. I have been having trouble with it on and off, mainly when crocheting or on the laptop - as you say, leaning to one side. I get the feeling it will be a quality, not quantity situation for both of us! I suppose you're lucky it's not Spring with all the gardening it brings!!! Hope you are feeling better very soon. xxx

Susan C. said...

Hand exercises between sewing seshes! A avid quilter once posted somewhere, this tip. When sewing stop every now and then, face hands towards each other, then bend fingers, like claws, then twist as if opening a jar. This will rotate wrists and stretch fingers. It can only help.

Nicky said...

What you are doing is beautiful so it is worth taking the time to enjoy doing it Clare. You make such glorious things and this is no exception! As you say quality! Top quality!

I hope the pains and doctors go away soon and the warm sun comes so we can all feel a bit happier!

Rachel at Stitched in Color said...

Oh dear, what a post. Blessings to you!

Kat said...

oh my! it's so hard when you are hurting too much to do what you love. i'm so bummed for you and sending a virtual hug! i'm a buggy person- idk if you are, but hopefully a virtual hug is ok. ;)
i'm hoping you are able to get back to some sewing marathons soon!