Tuesday 5 July 2011

summer of love quilt reveal!!

The day is finally here..
about blimming time I hear you say!
I hope you love it like I do!
Between loading and unloading the washing machine
last week I made up this
cute label.
Here you can see my choice of binding too.
It was an online buy,
which can be hit and miss,
but I think the colours work perfectly.
The binding fabric was a metre square,
so lots of joins!
Luckily being striped they dont show.
My inspiration for this quilt primarily came from
 I was quite smitten,
and so the journey began.
Searching out fabrics from 
junk shops, charity shops, friends and the www!
Previous to my discovery of the want to make quilt 
I had bought some
that I made into cushions..
which influenced my colour combinations.
To tell you the truth some of the hexagons,
in my mind are downright hideous!!
But strangely they do work together as a whole.

(please click on pictures to get a closer look)


1. This quilt is a hand sewn English paper pieced quilt.
Check out my tutorial at the top of my blog to see
how it's done.

2. I made my own templates with computer paper.
The diamonds measure from point to point 4.5"
Which makes the hexagon sides a little over 5".

3.  I didn't use a pattern from anywhere,
it's not necessary really.

4. The quilt measures approx 70" square,
which fits a UK double bed,
not entirely as I didn't want the pillows covered.

5. I used heirloom cotton/polyester mix batting,
which I got here.

6. The fabrics are a mix of vintage and new,
with solids mixed in to calm it all down!!

7. The bulk of the sewing was done this year.
Totally crazy!

8. The backing is an old duvet cover,
recycle recycle recycle!

9. Each block took roughly an hour
which includes cutting the templates etc.

10. 68 block and 8 half blocks.

11. Find similar quilts here 
a quilt along flickr group for all things diamond!

12. The quilting is basic straight line machined,
I'm not great at hand quilting.

13. The binding was machined on the front
and then hand stitched to the back.

 I'm sure there are many more unanswered questions,
so feel free to ask me anything!!!

To retrace the progress of this quilt
click on the summer of love label in the word cloud
in my sidebar.

I know that I am responsible for this heirloom,
and yet it still amazes me that I made such a crazy quilt!
I hope I have inspired you to create your own..
if so why not join the flickr group 
and share your journey!


Vintage from the Village said...

Its fantastic ! you deserve to be really proud
Sue x

Viv Wild said...

That is truly beautiful - I really want to make one now but am unsure that I'd have the patience. You must be so proud

Molly said...

Wow! I say again ... WOW!! This quilt is a beautiful masterpiece. I love looking at it and enjoying the colors and designs. Imagining all the work that went into sewing those triangles together makes me swoon. Just gorgeous!

Hen said...

Oooh Clare, I was so excited when I saw the title of this post and what a fantastic job you have done, my goodness you must be so, so pleased! I take my hat off to you as I started something like this on holiday and still have just those 5 blocks to show for it. Mine took an age though, you must be super whizzy to do a block in an hour, I guess practise makes perfect! Really, it is fab and I love it most in the photo as a tablecloth. I always admire quilts used in that way though not sure I could bring myself to do it as in our house it would be wrecked in no time!
Hen x

Hen said...

P.S. I also love the label.

Mary said...

Oh, Clare, I just can not say enough wonderful things about this quilt and your passion for it! I absolutely love that you pieced a quilt by hand! It takes so much patience and determination. And it is obvious you were very thoughtful in your choice of fabrics and you finished it perfectly with the stripe binding and your sweet, sweet label. I love it :) You are an inspiration as well as a very gifted quilter!

VintageVicki said...

Stunning :) Even the label is gorgeous :)

millefeuilles said...

Stunning! I take my not-yet-a-quilter hat off to you. (I must start quilting, I must start quilting...)


Jodi-JoJoMia's Place said...

So beautiful!! You did a great job, I just love it. It is nice when you get one finished. I want to try this one once I finish my hexie quilt you can see on my blog. Figure I should have 2 of those big hand work quilts going at once!LOL

andamento said...

It really is a work of art and craftsmanship. I love the colours of the fabrics you have used - colourful but still fresh. I'm so impressed that you can do a block in an hour. Here's a link to the finished hand-pieced quilt I was involved with, if you're interested.

Peeriemoot said...

Beautiful! Well done - you should be really proud!

Ruth said...

This is lovely!! Found you via the Brit Quitl group. Glad I did.

Catherine said...

Wow, this is absolutely fabulous: well done and to get it done in the timescale that you did is brilliant. Its lovely

greenrabbitdesigns said...

Stunning Clare! Your little label is gorgeous too! Be very proud of yourself. :)
Beautiful hollyhock too!
Vivienne x

Juliab said...

I want one! (stamps foot and pulls sulky face!!) It is utterly adorable, so so beautiful. You have really excelled yourself. Well done, hope it gives you a happy little dance feeling whenever you look at it! xx

Serenata said...

So lovely to see this beautiful quilt in its full glory Clare. You really have made an heirloom!

Lisa said...

Look at what all your hard work (and sore fingers) has produced! A work of beauty! You clever Mrs S you. It is quite gorgeous.
Oh and yes the label is perfect too.
Lisa x

Live a Colorful Life said...

Wow. Amazing!

Diane said...

All my quilts ended up as cushion covers - such is my patience!!! I may be tempted to give this another go though - this is totally gorgeous. xxxx

CharlotteP said...

It's magnificent...I've looked at 1000's of quilts on the net and it's definitely one of my favourites! Thanks for sharing its journey!

Unknown said...

Oh Clare, this is truly wonderful. The first quilt I made last year was paper pieced and I loved the process.

I liked the rhythm and the handling of fabric ... yum!

This quilt has so much to say for itself. Every time I look at it I see something else (and this is the third time I've come back to take a peek! Bookmarked!)

Congratulations ... I hope it inspires tons of people. It should.

Anonymous said...

Hi Clare,

I haven't looke dat your blog for AGES and then the day I decide to you posted about this amazing item. It's beautiful! Hope all is well and we can meet again sometime soon. Jen xxx

Eileen said...

Love, love your quilt !!!

randi--i have to say said...

this is a fantastic quilt! a perfect block pattern for all of those wonderful prints!

Janet said...

I'm so glad Mary has sent me over for a look at your stunning quilt. Congratulations, it's fabulous and very inspiring.

Red Pepper Quilts - Rita Hodge said...

Oh wow! It's incredible ~ your piecing and quilting is an inspiration. Thank you for sharing; I will be sure to send the link to my MIL.


Marit said...

Congratulations on a very beautiful quilt!
; )

Nicky said...

wonderful absolutely glorious love it love it love it! Phew now must take a breath! Even the label is fabulous! I am back stitching my recent labels but doing it multi-coloured adds a whole new dimension

Helen Philipps said...

Your quilt looks absolutely beautiful! And the colourful label is perfect to finish it off! Well done - such a lot of work but so well worth it.
Helen x

Brazenjane said...

Oh wow, Clare, it really is a thing of beauty! You must be very proud of yourself. Love the label too; not only have you inspired me to start my own 60 degree diamond quilt, but your lovely label has inspired me, so my 1" hexagon quilt will finally be completed.

V, V impressed. 10/10

Unknown said...

It's beautiful - what a lot of work - certainly an heirloom!

Florence Knapp (Flossie Teacakes) said...

It's stunning!

::The Beetle Shack:: said...

oh my gosh, this is seriously breath taking! I've just found you and i'm never leaving!

xo em

Anonymous said...

Hi Clare, I had to give your beautiful quilt a mention in Florence's competion as I JUST CAN'T STOP LOOKING! I keep coming back to the computer for another peek!
Thanks for stopping by my blog too, Sally

Sheila said...

Inspirational - beautiful quilt, great name.

Gayle Brindley said...

What a beautiful quilt - such an inspiration as I start on my own hexagonal path!

corine @ hidden in france said...

wow.. I'm dazzled!

tabbiegirl said...

This quilt is gorgeous. Do I dare attempt one!

Cheerful Homemaker said...

This is a beautiful quilt. I was really intimidated by the whole hand-stitching thing, but the more I read about it, the easier it looks. I have another project before this one, but I may have to give it a go!

Annette - MyRoseValley said...

----Swoooosch!--- You just blowed me away. :D. Fab-fantastic!

kelley said...

Your quilt is beautiful! So awesome that it is hand pieced. I love hand piecing and it makes me want to sing (albeit badly) that this is done by hand...I hope you don't mind but I pinned it on pinterest. La!