Monday 12 April 2010

I heart gardening!

Wow isn't amazing what a drop of sunshine can do to ones spirit and ones garden!
These are just some of seeds/plants to be sown/grown this year.
Some of you may remember my garden blog last year?
If not pop on over to get an idea of how my garden looked last year.
This year I shall just keep to the one blog, it's hard enough having a life with one let alone two!

Our garden is alive!
And completely frantic with chirping.
I have a new friend I call him/her twiddly, as she/he is most tuneful.
After such a long winter it seems all the blossom is out at once,
and smelling heavenly.
If you have room for one shrub in your garden, you can't beat an evergreen osmanthus.
The fragrance is pure spring!

  I have been busy busy in the garden again and have dirt under my fingernails to prove it.
Lots of moving plants and pruning out the deadwood.
My garden has a sunny side and a shady side, which at first I found challenging, but now I'm rather liking the shadier side more, as it retains some moisture unlike the sunny side which dries out like a rock!
Today I have rejuvinated the shady side, where there was an old ceanothus past its best.
So far I have dotted some euphorbias and aquilegias
(borrowed from other areas within the garden, but of course),
and some blue salvias which will get some sun.
And here is the great prune mountain.
Remember last weekend my husband made me a raised bed?
(now partially filled with chantenay carrots)
Well this weekend I made one!
Not bad hey?
The windows, rescued from our bedroom make great mini greenhouses.
I have sown pak choi, swiss chard and cos lettuce in mine.
I've also been sowing legumes!
These are french beans, though they do look a little maggoty dont they?
I really must get on with my giveaway items, before its another year already!
So I shall leave you with my new purchase, a pink dicentra which is great for a shady border.
I bought a white one last year, which I love and is growing well.

Anyone else having an irritating time uploading photos??!!


Anonymous said...

My, you have been a busy bee! I hardly dare say it (in case it packs up again) but I have been having a nightmare uploading photos, so you're not alone.xx

Diane said...

I have one of those pink hearts - its just poking through. Dont worry about the giveaway, its so much more fun playing outdoors - you have a great garden - I am so envious! Keep enjoying the sunshine. xxxx

Anonymous said...

I heart gardening too! How great is it to be able to spend the whole day outside. :
Vivienne x

Christy said...

Love your post. Your garden will be wonderful. A question for you... the last pic of the pink flower - what is that? Is that the dicentra you mentioned? I have a few of those in my flower bed, but have no idea whatever they are?

Julia said...

Your garden is looking good already! I too have enjoyed the warm spell and we have been doing a spot of planting! Enjoy yourself, I look forward to seeing how your garden grows over the coming months!

Julia x x x

Lynne said...

I was doing some weeding today ready to put some veg in. I think I will have to use you as an inspiration as I'm not so much of a gardener really. We had a beautiful Dicentra in our last garden.

Unknown said...

Your garden looks lovely.
We just bought some seedlings for the first time and are to start a garden this weekend hopefully.

Suzy's Vintage Attic said...

All that hard work that you have been putting in to your garden is paying off already. I love gardening, very satisfying when you get lovely results.

Have a lovely weekend

Warm wishes
Isabelle x

Serenata said...

You have achieved what I am hoping to do! I want to have a couple of raised beds, but the problem is room... Perhaps tomorrow I could actually make some progress?

Gilly Tee said...

I also love gardening and have spent the day moving plants.will visit you again

Karen said...

I so admire gardeners!!!