Monday 16 January 2012

procrastinating already

procrastinating, putting things off, in a creative hiatus, sewing block, sore back, losing my mojo.
My resolution this year,
when I feel one or all of the above,
is to cut scrappy squares!

I'm in a state of decluttering my doss hole work room.
So being ruthless with my scrapage is partly useful part creative.
I still have far too much stuff....
but I'm getting there.
And now I have my new radio for company.
So I can at least rock out with planet rock or ken bruce!!
ps. off to the osteopath tomorrow to find out the correct term for my bad sewing shoulder.


Mary said...

Love those scrappy scraps! Good luck with the bum shoulder...I hope they have some good advice for you :)

Juliab said...

I've got a bad shoulder too, can't turn my bedside light out without turning over and using my good arm!! Hope you get yours sorted out. Must book an appt with the GP myself. What's the plan with the scrappy squares then? I have started a new project (crochet scarf) which I said I wouldn't do until I finish off other stuff. Ho hum. x

greenrabbitdesigns said...

Maybe I should start cutting out scrappy squares too!! ;) I need something at the moment, that's for sure.
Hope you get the shoulder sorted soon.
V x

randi--i have to say said...

sometimes it is fun and inspiring to start using up what you already have---scraps! :)

i do hope the doctor has a solution for you! best wishes. :)

KC'sCourt! said...

Wonderful Scrappy Quilt. Now I will have to put my mind to one of those!
Julie xxxxxxxx

Jodi Nelson said...

ohhhhh. No one should have to endure a bad sewing shoulder! I hope it is on the mend soon. And I LOVE your scrapage photo! Great idea too. I usually fill that sort of time with Pinterest. Maybe I'll start dividing it in half? Half cutting scrapage and half pinning. ;o) (p.s. I love the work scrapage) ooxx`jodi

Simone said...

I hope you get on ok tomorrow Clare. I had a really painful frozen shoulder a few years back. I couldn't hold my arm out to the side or straighten it above my head! I like those scrappy squares very much! x

Lisa said...

Good luck at the oesto, I had my last session at the chiropractor's this afternoon. G loves planet rock. I'm more of a Radio 4 gal.
Lisa x

Serenata said...

You are not alone, but what a wonderful way to combat it by cutting scrappy squares!

I'm joining you in the sore back states today, think I pulled something at yoga.

Janine @ Rainbow Hare said...

Love your scrap squares. I hope the osteopath helps.

yummy peony said...

Well that looks like you HAVE been busy!
I've been busy too, check out my rose star!!
Thanks so much for the tutorial, it's been very inspirational

lavender attic said...

Hi Clare
Your blog post made me laugh! Absolutely love your scrappy squares, lovely fabrics, very envious...but now of course you will start a new bag of offcuts, a scrappy squares scraps bag...I can't bear to throw any bits of fabric away!

Anonymous said...

OOOH something happens when I see ramdom cut up squares ...LOL I dont know what the inspiration is but it is the most lovely simplest form of patchwork I know...I have been quilting since 1985 and in all that time I like the squares the most..Somehow too complicated a pattern doesnt do it for me..Enjoy

**Anne** said...

Loving those scrappy squares all colourful and very.....well square? :) Good luck with the shoulder.
Have a good one,
Anne xx

Gem said...

The scrappy scraps are looking good!

Hope you get your shoulder sorted out quickly. I had to have 2 ops on my shoulder a few years back so I have some idea how you must be feeling :(

Gem x

Lucy | Charm About You said...

Are you sure the bad shoulder's not a result of the rocking out?!
Lovely scraps, hope the decluttering helps recover the mojo :)

Pattyskypants said...

Squares are the BEST! Hope your shoulder gets better! xxoo Patty

Nicky said...

Love your squares! If I catch myself procrastinating my new thing is to do housework until I get my focus back - which happens remarkably quickly now! A true miracle!

Good luck with the shoulder - last year I had golfer's elbow - never played golf in my life!

Loving all the rose/stars you have inspired!

helenjanei said...

I have bad sewing shoulder and back too. My osteopath looked at me like I was mad when I explained that it was brought on after hour four of a sewing session. Aparently my problem was posture. I should have listened to my mother and stood up straighter as a teenager...

Krista Schneider said...

I've been cutting up scrap squares too! Sounds like a good resolution to have. Good luck with your shoulder!